Become an Allied Partner

Allied Partnership Opportunities

The Vermont Brewers Association is a 501(c)(6) organization founded in 1995 to promote and strengthen the culture of craft brewing through marketing, education, and advocating for Vermont made beer. Our membership is strong with over 60 breweries that actively participate. The year 2024 will be the eighth year of offering Allied Partnership to businesses that support our industry in various ways. If your business provides goods or services to the craft beer industry and you would like the opportunity to show your support for our members, consider Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze membership tiers. The benefits increase with each level and the program has been extremely successful for the nearly 45 businesses that have joined since its inception in 2017.

Check out our current Allied Partners 

Membership Tiers

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  • Full feature on Vermont Brewers Association website.
  • 10 Tickets to Vermont Brewers Festival at Waterfront Park, Burlington, VT.
  • Swag Bag contribution for Vermont Craft Brewers Conference.
  • Discounted Conference Registrations.
  • Priority access for event sponsorship. (Festival, Conference, After Parties, etc)
  • Table & Speaking opportunity at Tech & Ed Day.
  • Invite to 6 VBA networking, educational and industry events. (minimum of 7/year) *
  • 5/year Bi-Monthly Brewer Newsletter features. (outside of sponsorship)
  • Submissions to VBA website content. (articles, blog posts, one-pagers, etc)

Networking Events

  • Tech & Ed Day.
  • Vermont Brewers Festival Brewers Gathering.
  • Vermont Brewers Conference After Party.
  • Annual Meeting.
  • Holiday Party.
  • Champlain Valley Hops Harvest Tour.
  • Greg Noonan Day.

Dues Information

  • Membership dues are invoiced in January, new members can pay a pro-rated rate depending on month joined, or choose to pay full amount for the year. Membership begins the date we process payment.
  • Allied Trade Members is a non-voting membership category.
  • All applications are reviewed by VBA staff for approval.
  • Please note: member contact lists are not made available to members or non-members per VBA privacy policies.

Marketing Statistics

160,000+Site visits in 2024

30,000+ Email subscribers

16,000+ Vermont Brewers Festival FB followers

7,500+Vermont Brewers Association FB followers

8,500+Instagram followers

8+VBA events a year

Interested in Allied Partnership?

Email Emma Arian, Executive Director